Worship Without Request
Warm Kingdom greeting in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
God created man to worship Him as revealed in Isaiah 43:21; “The people I formed for Myself to declare My praise.”
When man got into bondage to the devil God again delivered man for the purpose of worship as revealed in 1 Peter 2:9; “But you are a chosen race… a people belonging to God that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His light.”
If there was no sin, there would have been no need for prayers made to God.
Man has approached God more now in prayers; making all types of requests, while abandoning his original purpose of worshipping God.
So God now seeks for those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth as revealed in John 4:23.
This is the reason the Holy Spirit birthed Worship Without Request – to worship God primarily as a means of service for God’s pleasure not as a means of stirring God to meet our needs.
Today, most Christians associate worship only with singing but the worship that birthed the church was only in saying the wonderful works of God (Acts 2:10-11). Also in the first worship session in heaven, by the four living creatures and twenty-four elders, worship is by saying words (Rev. 4:8,11); while singing with words came on later (Rev. 5:9).
Whoever wants to render acceptable worship to God must follow the pattern of the Holy Spirit to meet God’s need for worshippers.
WORSHIP WITHOUT REQUEST will help you to grow deeper in intimacy with the LORD.
THE BOOK is a great companion, together with your Bible for retreats.
When you receive this book, meditate deeply on the scriptural Praise Points, taking them to heart piece by piece so you get to know God better before you start worshipping Him because the basis for true worship is to know who you worship
Jesus said: “You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know…” (John 4:22).
Paul said: “…So you are ignorant of the very thing you worship…” (Acts 17:23).
According to Daniel 11:32, those who know their God will do exploits. With this book you get to realize deeper issues to praise God for and the effect is that many of your prayer points will become praise points, which will be a double-edged sword.
When God desires a thing for us, our Lord Jesus Christ usually pays the price, while the Holy Spirit delivers it. For instance, God wants healing for us (Exod. 23:25), our Lord Jesus pays the price – took our sicknesses (Matt. 8:17), and the Holy Spirit delivers the healing (Rom. 8:11).
The Lord told me to start The Jesus Dream Worldwide Worship Hour. The advert reads “…the Holy Spirit invites…” and I began to worship the Holy Spirit (the mover in the Godhead) and we started receiving free adverts for TJD, running into millions of dollars from media houses across the world that we do not even know.
Yes, discover how to exalt – God the Father, the Lord Jesus and freshly the Holy Spirit in Worship Without Request book.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel; Worship Without Request to receive revelations on worship and also fellowship with other believers every Saturday morning from 6:00am – 6:30am (8:00am – 8:30am GMT).
We shall worship with fresh exaltations every Saturday morning and same exaltations will be used to worship every day from Sunday to Friday. Note that the twenty-four elders at the throne room of God repeat the same worship words day and night. The value of worship in spirit and in truth is not in how many grandiose words said but the revealed Word that aligns with God’s heart.
As we worship in spirit and in truth, may our lives continue to give God pleasure.
Share this vision thereby raising worshippers unto God which He desires from us.
Yours In His Kingdom,
Emmanuel Oje Ehimika (Preacherman),
Worship Minister: Worship Without Request.
Worship Without Request – Live Worship: June 1, 2024

Please share your testimonies to glorify God. Your name will not be mentioned
Worship Without Request – Live Worship: June 8, 2024