Why We Declare The Wonderful Works of God


The Jesus Dream hour is a time when believers (Christians) worldwide worship God in unity

by declaring the wonderful works of God wherever they are, without making any requests from God.

-This was how the Church was born and it is the purest state of the Church-

  1. (a.) The first Bible verse opens with the works of God – “In the beginning God created…” (Gen. 1:1).

           (b.) The birth of the Church opened with declaring the wonderful works of God (WWG) (Acts 2:11).

           (c.) The first worship in heaven opens with the Twenty-Four Elders giving God glory for His works (Rev. 4:11).

  1. Declaring the wonderful works of God (WWG) is the first act of worship in the Bible because it’s only when you know the works of God, His divine nature (Rom. 1:20), His glory and majesty (Ps. 111:3) that you can worship Him effectively for who He is.

The first song in the Bible was sung after the Israelites saw God’s works – when the Red Sea parted (Exod. 15:1; 21).

  1. When we are saved, we immediately offer the fruits of our lips (Hosea 14:2) and continually do so (Heb. 13:15). So the first fruit offered by the Church was to declare the wonderful works of God (WWG) (Acts 2:11).
  1. Perfect unity of believers is accomplished only when we declare the wonderful works of God together. In rendering songs, doctrine and prayer we differ but when it comes to the works of God we all agree that: God created the heavens and the earth…
  1. The first act of worship to birth the Church was not Prayer, Singing, Preaching, Bible studies, Giving, etc. but declaring the wonderful works of God. First acts of God have huge prophetic significance.
  1. The twenty-four elders in heaven worship day and night acknowledging the works of God (Rev. 4:11). What God permits day and night before His throne without a stop must be the most important activity to Him.
  1. When we worship on earth about His works as the Elders do about His works in heaven, then His will in heaven (Matt. 6:10) is done on earth.
  1. We are commanded to declare the wonderful works of God to the world (Ps. 96:3; 105:1) and also to the next generation (Ps. 145:4).