How To Declare The Wonderful Works Of God

  • Holy Father, You created the heavens and the earth; the seas and springs of water.

          Thou alone are worthy to be praised.

  • Awesome Father, You quickened the body of our Lord Jesus and raised Him from the dead.

          Your mercy endures forever.

  • Glorious Father, You parted the Red Sea and made a way for the Israelites to cross over to their land of inheritance.

          Great is Your faithfulness…

  • Lord of Heaven’s Armies, You shook the prison doors of Paul and Silas and it opened miraculously for their release (Acts 16:26).

          Great is thy power, Oh Lord!

  • Gracious Father, You called forth light out of darkness.
    Great is thy power.

Continue to recount the miracles in the Bible… for one hour.

Ministers and all leaders are to teach their followers how to declare the wonderful works of God and include it in worship services.

At the TJD hour, believers are to offer this praise without someone standing to lead them as it happened on the day of Pentecost.