Dearly Beloved,
Warm Kingdom greetings in the wonderful Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
God created man to worship Him as revealed in Isaiah 43:21;
“The people I formed for Myself to declare My praise.”
When man got into bondage to the devil, God again delivered man for the purpose of worship as revealed in 1 Peter 2:9;
“But you are a chosen race… a people belonging to God that you may declare the praises of Him who delivered you out of darkness into His marvellous light.”
The prayer pattern of our Lord Jesus Christ began with “Our Father…” which means unity of God’s children on earth. Then it went further “Hallowed be Thy Name…” which is worship.
So, even in teaching about prayer, corporate worship comes first. God wants pure corporate worship in spirit and in truth.
This is the reason for the vision of The Jesus Dream Worldwide Worship Hour; uniting the global body of Christ in worship for God’s dwelling.
The Jesus Dream Worldwide Worship Hour is an hour when Christians (believers) from all denominations across the world declare the wonderful works of God in unity, wherever they are at the hour.
It is my eternal duty to welcome you to the fifteenth global gathering of The Jesus Dream (TJD) Worldwide Worship Hour on June 30, 2024 at 9:00pm Jerusalem time (All countries to correlate their time).
Yours In His Kingdom,
Emmanuel Oje Ehimika (Preacherman),
Visionary: The Jesus Dream Worldwide Worship Hour,
Worship Without Request.